Dataverse OData filter by choice value

I’m using Microsoft Power Automate to query a Dataverse table. I want to return all rows where my Choice column, named Sync Status is equal to the choice value of New”.

This is a little different than when we want to filter by text or number field types. A choice column is a bit different.

This scenario assumes we’re using a simple Choice column where the values are created directly in the column properties, not a global Choice column.

  • Edit your Dataverse choice column.
  • Under Advanced, look for the Logical Name and copy it.
  • Also, note the Value column for your choices. Copy the value for the choice you want to filter for. Then remove the commas.

Dataverse Choice Column valuesDataverse Choice Column values

  • Open your List rows Dataverse action.
  • In the Filter Rows property, add your query as follows publisher_syncstatus eq 320560000

Power Automate Filter Dataverse Choice ColumnPower Automate Filter Dataverse Choice Column

When your action runs, it should now filter only the rows where the Choice column value equals new!

March 4, 2024
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