

Bypass the Power Apps consent dialogHow to use PowerShell to disable the consent dialog showing when a user opens Power Apps for the first time or when a new connection is added. June 19, 2024

Azure Web App authenticating to SharePoint with an App Registration and CertificateThe goal of this post is to explain (to my future self) how to create an ASP.NET C# application that uses an Azure App Registration configured with April 23, 2024

Change Power Automate workflow ownerThe following shows how to change the owner of a Power Automate workflow, which is necessary to ensure it is running with a user account that has a April 4, 2024

Check for null value from SharePoint in Power AutomateIf you use Power Automate with SharePoint Online list or library data and need to check if a field is empty or null, you can use the @empty function March 25, 2024

Create a self-signed Certificate using PowerShellRun the following PowerShell to create a self-signed certificate using Windows and PowerShell. Useful for creating certificates to use in Azure App March 10, 2024

Dataverse OData filter by choice valueI’m using Microsoft Power Automate to query a Dataverse table. I want to return all rows where my Choice column, named Sync Status is equal to the March 4, 2024

Save to a Hyperlink Column in Power AutomatePower Apps can write to a Hyperlink field but it will set both the name and URL to the same value. To have a separate name and value for the February 25, 2024

Use modern Power Apps Tablist control for navigationThe modern and updated TabList control in Power Apps can serve multiple purposes, such as changing views in a gallery, displaying and hiding February 19, 2024

Azure App Registration for Select SharePoint SitesThis post explains how to create an Azure App Registration and configure it to provide your application access to only select SharePoint sites. The February 12, 2024

Using Stored Procedures directly in Power AppsAs of March 9, 2024, Microsoft has released the ability to call SQL Stored Procedures directly from within a Power App. This is a massive February 1, 2024

Accessing your Power Apps Environment VariablesEnvironment Variables allow you to define values that can be changed between different environments. This is especially helpful when deploying a January 24, 2024

Validate an Email Address in Power AppsA common request when building Power Apps is to validate the email address of a textbox. This can be done easily using the IsMatch function. The January 2, 2024

SharePoint CSOM KeywordQueryWe can search SharePoint from CSOM using the KeywordQuery function December 21, 2023

Power Apps TimeZoneOffset FunctionWe can use the TimeZoneOffset function in Power Apps to adjust for the current time zone from UTC time. We would typically want to save our Dates as December 2, 2023

Power Apps With FunctionThe Microsoft Power Apps With function is a powerful way to divide complex formulas into smaller pieces. It is useful when used within a ForAll, November 23, 2023

Remove a redirected SharePoint site URLHow to remove a Microsoft SharePoint site redirected site URL using PowerShell. When a Microsoft SharePoint Online site URL is changed, a redirect October 24, 2023

Patch to a LookUp ColumnIf we have a Lookup Column in SharePoint that we need to Patch from Power Apps, we can use the following example October 24, 2023

Get the SP.Data Item Type for use in a SharePoint REST UpdateAppend the following to the URL of your site and change the {List Name} to the real list or library name. This will return details about your list October 14, 2023

Check your Power Automate licensesMicrosoft has provided some PowerShell that allows admins to check their Power Platform environment for invalid Power Automate Licenses before it September 28, 2023

OData filter of Dataverse rows by Choice valueI’m using Microsoft Power Automate to query a Dataverse table. I want to return all rows where my Choice column, named Sync Status is equal to the September 24, 2023

Enable Custom Scripts in SharePoint SitesScripting can be enabled or disabled at the tenant level. It is recommended to leave it off. Scripting can be enabled for a specific site August 11, 2023

Search O365 Users in a Combobox in Power AppsWe can search all users in the tenant by adding the Office365Users connector to our Microsoft Power Apps. Add Office365Users data connector. Add a July 24, 2023

Hide commands from a SharePoint document library toolbarThe toolbar that appears in a document library (or list) in SharePoint Online can be customized (to an extent). We can hide, rename, change icons, July 14, 2023

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