Change Log

This page is where I track changes to this site.

Date Change
2024-07-06 Tweaked colors. Migrated a few more posts.
2024-07-05 Updated About Me page.
2024-07-04 Updated the layout and CSS of the footer.
2024-07-04 Added Tinylytics Kudos to my posts.
2024-07-04 Added an RSS icon to the tag pages.
2024-07-04 Updated the header and footer navigation.
2024-07-04 Added this Change Log page.
2024-07-04 Added a summary parameter to my RSS feeds.
2024-07-03 Added Uses page.
2024-07-03 Changed the site font to Nunito.
2024-06-30 Added Games page.
2024-06-30 Added Movies page.
2024-06-30 Added Books page.
2024-06-30 Added Television page.

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